
A Hun'ed Things about Me

Just a hundred random things about me.

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

I started on a brand spankin new one in June, but I haven't had the inspiration to finish it. So keep on the lookout for it. Until then, I'll just edit the old version.

1. My name means "a new life of joy."
2. I'm a second third year Ph.D. student (as of Aug 2004).
3. I've never had a birthday party.
4. I keep in contact with more as many people in other states than as here where I live.
5. I'm always busy doing something.
6. I never wanted to teach because my ma was one and I didn't like the way the profession treated her.
7. I'll probably be a teacher anyway. Really, I'm already one. I quit my last position. :(
8. Sometimes I wish Georgia State were in Mississippi.
9. I truly love my family.
10. My nose has been fractured before. (car accident--Nov '99)
11. I'm a blogaholic.
12. I love to read.
13. I'm terrified of bugs and mice.
14. I finished two B.S. degrees at 20.
15. I hate first dates.
16. I believe in spirits.
17. Nervous habit #1: Biting my nails to the nubs. In the last week, I've bitten past nubs... (This is still true 6 months later!!)
18. One of my favorite words is precocious.
19. I love helping people.
20. I'm a punk, and sometimes it hard for me to say no.
21. I'm a serious music lover.
22. I have one two tattoo(s). I've wanted I want another, but I don't want to go overboard.
23. Sometimes I'm too by-the-book to take chances.
24. I love to sing.
25. When I sing in public, I get extra scared. I'm a punk, I've said that already.
26. I'm somewhat superstitious.
27. I love movies.
28. Men baffle me.
29. I hated Coca-Cola until I started grad school.
30. Stepping is one of my favorite hobbies.
31. Nervous habit #2: Pulling out my eyelashes
32. I have a short attention span.
33. I don't wanna grow up.
34. I am spoiled (not rotten tho) and would like to stay that way.
35. I can cook a little bit.
36. I love both of my parents' cooking.
37. I hate when people invade my personal space. Ask first!
38. Not many people understand me and the way I think.
39. Four people call me by my middle name, three call me "Nada Jo," and one calls me DJ. Everyone else calls me by my first name.
40. I hate asking people for favors.
41. I like to send my friends interesting or weird news articles.
42. 2004 has started out awful for me, but I know it'll get better. (And it really has! 2004 has been a great year so far!)
43. Once I start something, I don't feel right until I finish it.
44. I got the first and only two final C's in my life Spr 03. Quite humbling.
45. I love dressing up, especially for formal events.
46. I'll probably be the last of my friends to get married.
47. I have 5 4 piercings. (I let the hole in my nose close by accident, and I've been too scared to get it redone.)
48. I don't have alot of patience unless I'm dealing with kids.
49. I love laidback activities like going to coffeehouses and listening to live music in the park during the summer.
50. I haven't had new tennis shoes since I dated a guy who was an assistant manager at an athletic shoe store. (I bought a new pair in April!)
51. I wear more silver jewelry than gold.
52. I am a bonafied pack rat.
53. When my hair looks bad, I feel really bad.
54. I remember way too many details.
55. I want to have alot of kids one day.
56. I prefer baths to showers.
57. I used to play the violin.
58. My hands are usually really cold.
59. I miss singing in the choir.
60. I've never had a full head of short hair. (Back in the day, though, I did rock the short-in-the-top, long-in-the-back 'do.) -- Well, it's according to what you call short. My hair is way shorter than it used to be, although it's still not all that short. Got it cut in April.
61. I used to sit in my closet and read.
62. I like playing softball, and I come from a baseball family.
63. I am comfortable with silence (unless I'm guilty about something).
64. I have two blogs one blog. I didn't have the energy to keep up two anymore.
65. I don't always actually laugh out loud when I type lol in an email or IM. Sometimes I do though.
66. I am relationship-phobic, I think.
67. I miss losing track of time talking to someone special all night.
68. I hate driving in Atlanta, I hate driving at night, and I hate driving in the rain.
69. I like late spring, summer, and early fall so much more than the winter.
70. I bought alot of winter clothes this last year.
71. I love my new camera phone. (Even though sometimes it pretends to be raggedy as hell.)
72. I cry easily, but I hate crying in front of people.
73. I'm my mother's twin.
74. I used to convince my little brother that he was adopted.
75. I love hats, and I used to collect them.
76. I used to want natural, chemical-free hair, but I don't have the patience.
77. I collect Tigger. I used to be in a competition with a male cousin who started collecting him when he was in the Navy.
78. My favorite color is yellow.
79. I always wanted a sister.
80. I've always wanted someone to send me flowers. (I finally got some sent to me last week. Thanks!)
81. I'm sometimes very self-conscious.
82. I have a bad temper.
83. I like romance.
84. I love when my niece lays on the couch with me to watch TV and jibber jabber.
85. I hate calling strangers on the phone. I'd much rather look up info on the internet than to call the place for that same info.
86. My big brother finally sees me as grown and not his kid sister.
87. I'm usually very nonchalant.
88. I'm addicted to email.
89. I don't like confrontation at all.
90. I like strawberry milk.
91. I crave attention and affection, although I don't like the spotlight. Part of being spoiled, I guess.
92. I have a wart on my right ring finger where my pencil/pen rests when I write.
93. I hate coffee.
94. I have really cut down on drinking alcohol since October. (It's picked up some since the summer started.)
95. I like to watch sports when I'm there. I don't have the patience usually to watch on TV.
96. I have never smoked.
97. I hate when men try to compete with me.
98. Most of the time I look alot younger than I am.
99. I usually don't talk loud enough. That, or people just can't hear.
100. I hope to be very influential one day.

posted by the kid  # 4:43 PM

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